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Please Register for our 2023 Vacation Bible Study
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Guess what’s back this year? Vacation Bible School!!!  That’s right!  Vacation Bible School is back and we’re planning an amazing experience for our church family and community members beginning July 24th until July 28th.  


Many people may wonder what the purpose of Vacation Bible School is and if it's still relevant. The answer is actually very simple: the purpose of VBS is to minister children in the church, create outreach to the surrounding communities, and to create evangelism opportunities.


Each night will be jam packed with fun and interesting biblical lessons that will captivate the mind of everyone in attendance.  Thanks to our WMS, Trustee Board, Steward and Lay Ministry, refreshments will be served nightly!

VBS Squad: Crystal J. Thompson, Fylita Benjamin, Sierra Brown, Tiheshaca Green, De'Korcia White, Iva White & Nakema Wright

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